Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hey good lookin', what cha got cookin'

How bout cookin' something up with me....
Awe, cmon, that song is just plain fun! my true spur of the moment style, and during the
 week before Christmas.....
 I was out buying the wood for my headboard and I spied these little legs at Lowes.

hmmm, I have nothing else to do, my plate is not full, I don't have a gazillion gifts to wrap, work to do, food to cook, not to mention an almost finished headboard in the garage.

Perhaps common sense would kick in, or at least self preservation would surface.  Nope, not a chance.  I quickly grabbed those four little legs and some 1 x 4's while I was at it. 

Actually I made Pop carry the 1 X 4's.

I like to keep him hoppin'
Here we are last summer with the girls in Princeton.
Hey wait up guys....

The gears were turning.  Really, how long could it take?  Zip Zip
Build a Box, attach some legs, hmmmm. 
 It's a blessing really, that I underestimate the time it takes to make things happen.
  It makes me fearless!

Attach some foam and batting, slap on some paint. 
 This is going to be the perfect Birthday present for my friend Beth. Beth's birthday happens to fall on Christmas Eve!  
 Christmas eve for a birthday, talk about stealing your thunder. 

Well Beth, you sure are lucky I have this 
super swank tufted ottoman

that Bandit likes to drool all over....because if I didn't
 I would most surely be keepin' this little baby for myself!

I really love to do things on the spur of the moment
 and surprise people.  There's just nothing like a good surprise.

I added a flat burlap band and a few nailheads.
I ran out of nailheads but a few more might be nice

I think it looks kinda cool
kinda menswear wool pants cool

Always mugging for the camera

Off it goes today to it's new home where these guys
 can drool all over it!

Linking up ...

Furniture Feature Fridays


  1. I can't believe how you just whipped up this great ottoman for your friend! Lucky friend!

    1. Hi Sherry,
      Thanks for stopping by. I swear sometimes I do think I'm a bit crazy. Really, Christmas week was a crazy time to whip something up!

  2. Wow wow wow! I've always wanted to make an ottoman and you made it look totally effortless! I love the fabric you covered it in!

  3. Hi Meghan,
    First, I am in love with the name of your blog. Wish I had thought of it! So cute.

    I say go for it! An ottoman is just a box made pretty!

    Thanks for stopping by to take a peek:)
