Thursday, June 20, 2013

Metallurgy - The ID and the Odd

Gosh, I thought I knew how to do everything.
Turns out, I don't
I know absolutely nothing about metals,
zip, zero, nada!

Of course I went to pinterest to see what I could see

via Pottery Barn

Boy did I see a lot.
  Apparently Zinc or galvanized metal is a big deal!

These antique bins are wonderful

There are boards dedicated to 
Zinc and Galvanized metal
This one is full of inspiration.


Lest my ego (that's the ID)
get the best of me,
the universe has thrown me
an opportunity to experiment.

Other than old metal watering cans
I've never come across any great
metal finds.

until now...
Last weekend I came across these
great storage bins at a garage sale.
$15 for all!

I immediately stuck one on the table
with a pot of basil.  
Pretty, simple, and easy.
I'm sold.
(uh oh, you can see in the 
corner that bandit left his toy box open again)


I just love this aged chicken feeder from 
A spotted pony.
How clever is that!

There are all kinds of ways to 
age your metal finds.
 Variations of
vinegar and bleach seem
to be quite popular.

The other big aging method is
Toilet Cleaner, 
(yep that's the odd)
Who knew?
I guess any kind of acid would work.

I happened to have a gallon of this
stuff on hand from a mirror project.

I really love the aging effect.
I simply brushed the acid on in the morning
 and went to work.

After work I gave the bin a quick bath
in the laundry sink with water and
baking soda to neutralize the acid.

I can't wait to age the other bins.

Metallurgy - check, done.

See dear, I really do know
how to do everything!

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